The State of Farnborough Drive

For more than 3 years now, Farnborough Drive has remained in an unfinished, dangerous, and frankly ugly state.  Raised ironworks, potholes and rough surfacing – Farnborough Drive is now in DIRE need of refurbishment and completion.

Our hope is that through the website, we can highlight this issue to the Council and once and for all get a road that is safe, accessible and pleasant to look at.


14 Replies to “The State of Farnborough Drive”

  1. And please do feel free to post your comments.
    This is YOUR website so get involved!

  2. Think this will be a great site and only good can come of bringing a community closer so well done. Agreed, Farnborough Drive is an eye sore.

    1. Thank you, Mark. And thank you for getting involved and commenting on the site.

  3. I have to agree with Mark, I think this could do wonders for bringing the residents of Middlemore together. We were promised almost 4 years ago that Farnborough drive would be surfaced and finished off and now it is in a worse state than ever.

  4. I live on Farnborough Drive and the road is a nightmare,my 5 year old son fell over from a hole in the road when we crossing the road. Great idea this website by the way !!

  5. Hi, I’ve been in contact with the council through cllr Chris long for the last year or so and I was advised just last week that the surfacing of Farnborough Drive will be carried out in the next few weeks. There is just some final paperwork outstanding from the contractors I believe.
    There will be a note to all affected residents to advise of the dates the work will be carried out.
    At last!! No more manhole dodging!

  6. Hi Mark, Hi Lizette, Hi Lindsay and Hi Chris,

    I had a phone call just today from probably the same gentleman that you spoke too, Tim.

    He wasn’t prepared to put a timescale on it when I spoke to him today, but assured me it was dotting i’s and crossing t’s stage.

    Let’s see how it pans out, I do recall getting a letter saying something similar over a year ago.

  7. Cannot wait to see our road surface completed. Residents please remember the speed limit is 20 mph. Does someone have to be injured, before people keep to the speed limit.

  8. Hi Jan, Thank you for posting. Yes, you are quite right – there are a number of residents that ignore the speed limits, and many actually ignore the give way/chicane by the shop too.

  9. Hi all, I have just moved to Claydon Road. Jill at Taylor Wimpey advised the roads will be made up once they have left site around June/July but I’d be pleased if it happens sooner.

    1. Hi Helen, Thanks for visiting and commenting on the site. Yes, you’re right – the developers are responsible for the roads until they leave, then they hand back to DDC or Northants (that’s when it gets blurred!).

      1. Hi Helen,

        You must be on the same development as us.

        We have asked them a lot about the road surfacing and they expect that it will be done soon after they leave (as expected).

        The one thing that Taylor Whimpy are responsible for is the drives. We are still waiting for ours to be topped off…

      2. Hi Helen,

        You must be on the same development as us.

        We have asked them a lot about the road surfacing and they expect that it will be done soon after they leave (as expected).

        The one thing that Taylor Whimpy are responsible for is the drives. We are still waiting for ours to be topped off…

  10. Hi,

    Just seen confirmation that works will start on 18th April (this Monday!) lasting for approx 12 weeks.


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