Very quick update to remind you all that the party is on, starting at 2pm at a cost of £12 per household.
Please bring along any chairs/drinks/decorations you can.
Take your own litter home etc ;0)
You will need your hand stamped when you arrive and sign a disclaimer to say you won’t sue council if you have an accident – they have waived us having to take out insurance!
Good to see the commuity getting together in this way, however i do have one gripe. £12 per household may not seem expensive for a family, although for people who live on their own it doesn’t really seem fair and i’m sure there are more than a few people who do live alone on Middlemore. Perhaps might have been an idea to offer entry of £6 for a household of one person? Anyway, that’s my moan over and I hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Andrew, thanks for your comments. I’m sure that there will be elements of the organising that aren’t perfect, but to be fair to Karen – she has done an IMMENSE amount of work in organising the event and all credit to her for that. I can see your point about the splitting of the costs, and I hope you have a good day whatever you’re doing.
Looks like a win-win situation for Charity and Middlemore.
Congratulations Karen. Our family enjoyed the quite different occasion.
Here’s to the next one.