Royal Wedding Street Party??

Hey Neighbours!

Just an idea, but perhaps a few of us could organise a Royal Wedding Street Party on Middlemore?

There is a guide on the Council website – would be good to get your thoughts, and who could provide what etc in terms of equipment (eg – anyone got an outside projector??).

15 Replies to “Royal Wedding Street Party??”

  1. Would be a good idea to have a strret party for wedding – nice square on middleton road area?

  2. Hi Karen! We (myself and my partner) could help to some extent, but we’re also running a business and have two small kiddy winks, so you might be in a better position to get something sorted! – Rick (

  3. Hi Karen, that’s great – nice work! I will also mention this to a woman from the council that I’m meeting tomorrow about this website in general.

  4. Great work Karen, any way we can help just shout. It’s a brilliant way to get to know our neighbours too. Let’s hope the weather is like it has been this weekend!

  5. can you give me more info,i’ve got 4 children that would like to go to a street party


  6. I’ve completed your form to say 2 of us will attend but are we ok to invite some friends from outside of Middlemore? I’m not quite sure how I can help but there is a willing pair of hands here if you need them.

  7. hi there we have 3 adults n 3 kids that are intrested in this street party.were on middleton road. let us no with more info please

  8. Hi,

    This sounds like a great idea. We are two adults and 1 child and very interested in attending / getting involved. Please email any information. Looking forward to it – lets hope the weather holds!

    Kelly and Mark Samuel

  9. Hi, we got your flyer and just wanted to say we would like to come to the street party and should be able to help if you need some more hands on board. We’re in Packwood Close and we are two adults and two children.

  10. HI , we are from Charlecote way and would like to come to the steet party , we are 2 adults and 2 chlidren , Thanks.

  11. hello we love on cropedy walk and would love to attend we are new to the area so it would be a great chance to meet new people, also could you tell me where abouts on middlemore the lower vale is as I am not sure still finding my way round.

  12. Hi, myself and my two children would love to attend. Any more info on timings and how to pay? Many Thanks

  13. thankyou karen and mark for a great day at the party,myself and 4 children really enjoyed ourself’s,again thankyou.

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