As a result of my monthly meeting with the District Council, during which we review all Middlemore issues raised on this website, we now have an opportunity to write to the Strategic Lead for Schools for Northants, and, following an invitation from us to said Gentleman, arrange a public meeting to discuss the school situation for first-time children from Middlemore.
I would like to arrange a meeting at the Middlemore Farm Pub, to gather input from as many parents as possible, so that we can put together an open, concise, fact-driven, letter to the said Gentleman and invite him to the suggested Public meeting.
Please comment if you’d like to be part of this process and when we’ve gathered a group, I will arrange a date.
Hi, that’s great. We’d like to be involved please.
Tim & Vicki
yes, we would like to support this too. Let us know when & where, thanks. Antony & Lynne & Elena (aged 4)
Should have said Tim, Vicki & Ashton (aged 7 months)!
I / we would be interested in attending the meeting, although our son is already at school, our daughter is yet to start.
Count me in please
count me in!
Me too.
Would like to be involved although not due to move in until Mid June. We would like to get our concerns across with school admissions as we are experiencing great difficulties in allocating school places for our children, one of which requires a reception place for September.
Katie, Jamie, Marley, Spencer and Isabella
An update re our situation – still no school place for Elena – we are appealling and on the waitlist for several but no joy yet. The only school within Daventry with spaces is Southbrook. The deadline for accepting/declining the original allocations was last Friday. So it would be worth contacting Council again. Otherwise the nearest school with spaces is Braunston, Badby or Long Buckby.
Count us in please!
Sarah, Paul Kiera & Alana (15 months)
I will be there…up the rebels !!! its sad to think though we have to fight to get a decent education for a children, the council think nothing of collecting the council tax payments each month don@t they !!!
Hi i definatly think we need a school i have 2 children 3yrs and 2months my 3yr old is due to start school next year and i dont drive so you can count me in.
Nothing happened with this then ???
I will be happy to meet and work with residents in both my roles as a County Councillor and District Councillor to try a find a satisfactory solution for you if you feel that my involvement will be beneficial to you.
Thank you Mr Long,
It is reassuring that a representative is happy to come forward for this cause. Many people have settled in Middlemore on the understanding that a primary school would be built. It appears that this year most were offered places in Southbrook unless they had older siblings in nearer schools.. What needs to happen next ..
FAO: Councillor Chris Long
Would be happy as residents of middlemore to have a discussion with you on both the school issue and the broadband issue.
What is the best way of contacting you?, through the Daventry council offices?
Admin : If required I will contact Cllr Andrew Grant, NCC’s Cabinet Member for Schools and ask him to look at the Southbrook places allocation.
Simon : Contact details
Just a note to every whom email chris long, your objections against the building of dwellings on site 10 now needs to put into writing, the planning applications have been posted both on lamp posts and in the paper. watch out for the leaflet which will be posted through your letter box soon it will give all the information you need. If we all object and stop the land usage change we stand a chane of securing the site, otherwise it will just go through!!!!!!
Count us in please. Thanks so much for all your hardwork and efforts. We are right behind you and will continue to support in any way we can.
Thank you for all your comments and support. Due to the age of this post I will be closing comments on it and ask that you visit this page to get the latest update and continue any comments you may have.
Thank you.