Middlemore School – What happens next?

Following on from a successful leaflet campaign a large number of residents attended a meeting  at the Middlemore Farm pub arranged by Councillor Chris Long.  This was followed up with an excellent press article from the Daventry Express which you can view here

Since then a number of people have joined together, with the guidance of Councillor Chris Long, the best ways of achieving what we have been wanting all along, a local primary school as planned for Site 10.

There’s been a massive amount of work put in by volunteers.  Whilst it may not look like much has happened on the outside, in the background there is a very strong team being formed.

Some of the key activity that has done which we can mention publicly now is:

  • Planning of a “Middlemore Residents Association/Committee” – We are finalising the details and once completed we will be asking for Middlemore residents to step forward to participate. (keep your eye on this site for further information).
  • We are in the process of forming objection letter examples,  based on the planning application that has been submitted,  which are within the guidelines that have to be adhered to when objecting to an application. (keep your eye on this site for further information).
  • There are a number of FOI requests submitted in relation to the Middlemore site and primary school education.
  • We have secured the support from local councillors.
  • We have secured support from our Local MP Chris Heaton-Harris

Whilst the above is a good start, there is a lot more that needs to be done and is being done.

Keep checking on this web-site for further ways you can help support this campaign.

You can contact us by emailing info@middlemore.co or by calling 0800 180 8999, alternatively follow the site via twitter and join us on facebook!

3 Replies to “Middlemore School – What happens next?”

  1. Just a note to every whom email chris long, your objections against the building of dwellings on site 10 now needs to put into writing, the planning applications have been posted both on lamp posts and in the paper. watch out for the leaflet which will be posted through your letter box soon it will give all the information you need. If we all object and stop the land usage change we stand a chane of securing the site, otherwise it will just go through!!!!!!

  2. From Petra and Rob
    Count us in please. Thanks so much for all your hardwork and efforts. We are right behind you …

  3. Thank you for all your comments and support. Due to the age of this post I will be closing comments on it and ask that you visit this page https://middlemore.co/?p=422 to get the latest update and continue any comments you may have.

    Thank you.

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