Daventry District Council are to complete the cycle track / foot path by the reservoir.
Planning application DA/2012/0431 has been submitted and residents local to the path should have received notification by post.
Within the application it shows that the current grey temporary stone path running from the A361 along the reservoir behind the boat house to the bottom of the vale is going to be replaced, however instead of tarmac for this section as originally planned they are proposing to use the small yellow stone style path similar to the style currently in use on the bottom section of the vale.
They reason that finishing with black tarmac would not be within keeping visually of the green parkland surrounding it, whilst it was suggested during the planning process they should consider other colours of tarmac, however, DDC have submitted their application based on finishing the surface with yellow gravel stone.
Appeals to this application or objections to the type of material they are proposing to be used can be made by writing to Daventry Council or by emailing planning@daventrydc.gov.uk quoting planning ref: DA/2012/0431