During ongoing discussions with both Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire County Council it has become apparent there is a glaring fault with the way both these councils plan school places, quite simply put they do not know accurately how many children are approaching school age until a place is requested for them, they use estimates from the National Statics office to make an “educated guess” as to numbers requiring school places for the upcoming years until the applications are made.
This has lead to 135 place shortage in Northampton and a new classroom being rapidly built over the summer months at Ashby Fields to accommodate the additional children of Daventry.
Every time we discuss the issue of the school being built on Middlemore we are pushed back with the standard (but boring!) statement from them that “Middlemore is only 0.5 FE catchment” i.e. they claim that for each primary school year there are only 15 children on the whole of Middlemore to be accommodated, that is:
- 15x Reception class children (4-5 years old)
- 15x Year 1 children (5-6 years old)
- 15x Year 2 children (6-7 years old)
- 15x Year 3 children (7-8 years old)
- …………. You get the idea!
This in total for all the years makes Middlemore have no more than 105 children in total! Yes seriously that is what the council claims as to the reason why a school is not needed on Middlemore.
So – How can you help?
What we really need is an accurate count of children between the ages of 0 through to 16. This will give us accurate figures for all children currently in the education system as well as children that will require a school place in the next 4 years.
We are conducting door to door surveys taking this information down, but if you could help by emailing info@middlemore.co with your address and if you do or do not have children then this will greatly increase the speed we can conduct this survey. Equally if you are able to provide the address and details of neighbours or friends and if they have children or not then this would be most appreciated as it saves us knocking their door too. Please remember that we need the age of each child as well and not just the total children within a household.
This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence, the only information we wish to gain out of this is total number of children per year group, therefore once the data is collected and counted all house addresses will be removed from it.
Extra Help Required!:
If you are able to help knock some doors within your local street/area that would be really appreciated, please email us and let us know which areas you could do and we will get back in touch to confirm which houses in that area that still need to be done
Comments are closed on this post due to the sensitivity of the data requested. We do not wish people to post their info on a public site.