As previously published, Daventry District Council have submitted plans to build 45 rented properties on Site 10 (the proposed school site). The planning application hearing will be on Wednesday August 29th with the meeting commencing at 18:15 at the council offices. During the meeting t will be ruled on whether the application to build houses on this land is either granted, rejected (or potentially they could delay the decision).
It would be really appreciated if you are able to attend this meeting to show your support for our campaign for a school on this land rather than more housing, you wont be required to say or do anything, just be a person present to show unified support from local Daventry residents that a school is more important than housing.
We really believe that lots of mums, dads, grandparents and everyone else interested in providing decent education within the Daventry area stood facing the planning committee when they vote to make their decisions will have a positive affect on the correct decision being made.
We would hope that in the interest of not delaying members of the public this application is heard first (this is the councils usual policy) therefore we would expect that you would not be required for much more than an hour maximum however this is not guaranteed.
The entrance you need to use is here (its round the back from the main entrance):
It is probably best to park in the Homebase Retail area car park and walk to the council offices. There is a foot path at the side of Homebase to the council offices. Please note it is recommended to avoid parking in the covered car park for the council offices (underneath the retail park) as it closes quite early.
Look forward to seeing you there!
** Update 24-08-12 **
We also had coverage on the local BBC Northampton radio station, this audio is now available
Listen to the Audio here using the player:
Download the file by clicking the following link: BBC Radio Northampton Audio