The next meeting is being held on Tuesday 3rd March at Middlemore Farm Pub (just up stairs on left)
Please do come along and get involved and have your say about what is happening in your local community. Its also an opportunity to stop for a quick drink and a chat and get to know other householders living in your community.
Updates on topics of discussion will be brought up at the meeting including any further communications received.
Issues that have been under discussion include….
- Parking consultation – this topic has got a lot of residents hot under the collar.
- Broadband
- Street Lighting
- State of roads and pathways
- Groundkeeping, dog mess, rubbish and general untidiness
- Grit bins
- Traffic and parking – speeding and increased traffic using Claydon Road and Middleton Road. Also number of heavy goods vehicles trying to use the estate to cut through to business park.
- Heartstart scheme
- Neighbourhood watch scheme
Got an issue you want raising? Please do come along and raise it.
If you cannot make the meeting and have something you wish to contribute please email or call 0800 180 8999
Your committee
Chair Samantha Sullivan
Joint vice chair Chris Wood & Christine Frost
Secretary Karen Tweedale
Treasurer Nathan Chettle
PR/Spokesperson Tamlyn Coleman
Dates of future meetings
19th May 2015
7th July 2015
8th September
AGM 17th November
I moved to Middlemore last April and would be interested to find out more about the Residents Association and what it does with a view to “possibly” becoming involved. Would somebody like to call me on (***phone no removed)