Dog Mess

We have received a number of complaints about dog mess around the estate.

Having discussed the issue with the council, they have asked the dog warden to attend and investigate the issues as well as spray marking the mess to raise awareness of the issue.

If you would like to help by spray marking dog mess areas please let us know via email / Facebook message and we will request spray cans from the warden for you.

Obviously the goal here is to deter owners from not clearing up after their animal, if you are aware of dogs mess not being picked up by their owner you can report these incidents on the Self service web-site of Daventry district council:

For further information on dog fouling, please see:

3 Replies to “Dog Mess”

  1. We’ve had to pick up dog poo from our front lawn so many times now. There are some very irresponsible dog owners living on Middlemore.

  2. Our dog goes out every day of the year but just recently we have been disgusted with amount of dog mess in the middle of paths all around the estate and fields. Any dog owner found without poo bags or means to clean up after your dog should be fined immediately, it’s just wrong and not fair on the year round dog walkers who seem to be much more responsible.

    Whilst we’re on the subject cat mess in people’s gardens is equally as disgusting and wrong, cat owners should be fined for this equally like dog owners.

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