Do you agree that the Middlemore Bus Link should be permanently opened up for the general use of all residents entering and exiting the estate?
Chris Long has been pressing Daventry District Council to consider this for some time on behalf of us (Middlemore Residents). He was also influential in having the barrier removed.
So what happens next? It is believed that consultation will be taking place shortly.
If you feel that the exit should be kept open for general use please contact Chris Long to make your opinions known and have your details added to the petition to keep this exit open.
He can be contacted via email and mobile no 07831 173707
Please add me the petition to keep the bus link open. On a housing estate of this size, it is completely unrealistic to expect the 1000’s of residents to have only one entrance/exit. We already have a daily battle to manoeuvre through the estate with cars parked on the roads due to lack of parking, and having the 2nd entrance/exit will help relieve this.
Some common sense is needed more than anything and the road not only needs to be opened for the use of buses, public use and emergency services but also widen the road so vehicles can pass each other safely. Kim Kempson
Hi there, Thanks for you comments Kim. You need to contact Chris Long directly on the email address shown and he will respond to you