The Middlemore Queens Birthday Party on the Lower Vale was a roaring success.
What an absolutely fab afternoon – it was lovely to see the residents enjoying a fun & community-binding afternoon together. I was also delighted to meet so many new faces.
Despite the unruly weather we were all really pleased that lots of residents came along.
We started off the day setting up in the pouring rain, trying to put up bunting and gazebos – praying for the sun to come out and shine and that it certainly did . The weather dried up just at the right time and the rain stayed away (until the last 15 minutes- oh boy did it rain ).
The event was opened by our Deputy Mayor, Cllr Lynne Taylor. We had a bucking bronco, bouncy castle, face painter, cake donations, tombolas, hook a duck, raffle , BBQ and more.. We raised a totally £481.75.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO GOT INVOLVED AND HELPED MAKE THE EVENT POSSIBLE. Thank also to everyone who has got in touch to recognise our efforts and thank us.
After weeks of form filling, meetings, delivering leaflets, liaising with DDC, Lots of stress, lots of hard work and late nights getting everything ready will we be doing it next year – You Bet’cha we will !!
Congratulations to the lucky winners of the raffle held on the day who have received their prizes.
CAN’T WAIT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN NEXT YEAR !!!- Want to get involved in planning next years event ? Get in touch…
…….If you took any photos that you would like to share with us please get in touch !……..