Planning application DA/2016/1180 has been submitted by Crown Care .
The description of the proposed development reads as :
‘A mixed tenure Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) for over 55’s comprising of an 83 bed Care Home; and an Extra-Care building comprising 44 x one bedroom and 32 x two bedroom apartments with associated facilities including a doctors clinic, cafe, hairdressers, crèche, shop and bar/ restaurant; five blocks of apartments accommodating 111 x one bedroom and 86 x two bedroom apartments; 32 x two bedroom semi-detached apartments; 10 x three bedroom semi -detached bungalows, 185 parking spaces, 30 cycle racks and associated landscaping.’
Middlemore Residents Association has noted the following concerns from residents:
PARKING – there are 315 units in total plus an 83 bed care home number – the number of parking spaces on the planning application is 185
IMPACT ON EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS – many residents are using the Heartland Business Park exit which only a single lane that was designed for buses only.
To check the planning app you need to visit & click on the planning tab to search for planning app DA/2016/1180
I have contacted daventry planning direct and forwarded a copy of my letter to Alan brown.
Thanks for letting us know Marcus
185 parking sites will barely cover the professional staff and other commercial employees, let alone the car owning residents and those others who might enjoy a visit from family members with cars.
The Middlemore no parking syndrome continues.
The first commercial/ advertising/service offering email to my address will result in my quitting the residents Association.
Regards, Bill Robb.
Thank you for your comments Bill.
The parking situation has been highlighted.
Some members of the residents Association will be attending the Daventry Town Council Planning Committee meeting this Thursday as this planning application is on the Agenda.
Crowncare are also holding a consultation tomorrow afternoon between 2pm & 7pm. The consultation is to discuss plans for development of land of Welton Road (between cemetery and allotments)
As you are already aware the current parking situation is a nightmare and the last Middlemore residents need is for the situation to become worse
Just a thought how will crown care run a care home / retirement village Dr’s surgery etc etc with no Internet or will they put a further drain on our already pathetic excuse for an Internet connection?.
Members of the Residents Association are attending Daventry Town Council planning meeting to raise Residents concerns and we ensure that your comments are included.
Should you wish to attend the meeting commences at 6:30pm
Town Council address is 3 New Street
Sorry for delay re-comments – Very disappointed that Crown Care do not seem to have taken on board any of the concerns already raised by residents at their presentations at both the Saxon Suite or the Town Council Meeting. We raised concerns about the car parking which is totally inadequate and the heights of some of the building which are proposed between 3 to 4 storeys high. I can see the residents in the Farnborough Rd and Claydon Road having no where for our own visitors to park if this gets planning permission in its present layout.
Apologies for the delay in responding but have only just been able to access the planning application. My concerns are highlighted previously by other residents, namely:
The height of the buildings.
Insufficient parking provision. This is clearly going to have a huge impact on the already ridiculous situation we have to cope with on a daily basis. It is difficult to comprehend how a planning application can even be considered when there is clearly a lack of sufficient parking spaces to service the ‘village’.
The single track access from the estate into Heartlands should clearly be opened up as an alternative route without further procrastination. Of course it is used regularly by residents and it was my understanding when I moved onto the estate that this was going to be an alternative access into and from Middlemore. It is ludicrous to even consider that the access from the A361 would successfully serve the whole estate, even without further planned development.