Our next meeting is this forthcoming Tuesday (9th May 2017) and is being held at the pub at 7:30pm.

Please do come along and get involved.  Its important to have a say in your local community !

Below are notes that summarise the meeting held on 14th March.  There will be updates on outcomes/ actions taken at Tuesdays meeting.



1/ Neighbourhood Watch – PCSO visit


PCSO 7032 Steve Sangster & PC Sergeant 973 Richard Nathan attended to speak with MRA about to Anti Social Behaviour. Every time there is an incident it needs to be reported on 101 so that police are made aware of the problem and can take action.

He advised that regular patrols do take place and at least once a shift PCSO’s drive around the area. Residents are urged to report all issues. It is recognised that it is time consuming calling 101 but the more residents report in issues/incidents then patrols can be stepped up in the area. Reporting issues allows cases and intelligence to be built up. If residents are uncomfortable reporting to 101 they can contact Crimestoppers – Crimestoppers enables people to get passed to the police without revealing their identity.

In EMERGENCIES – risk to life, intimidation – ALWAYS call 999.

We were also given a circular with police contact details including twitter accounts.

Further advice given:-

– For complaints regarding speeding vehicles on the estate contact one of the local policing team – if the situation warrants it they will arrange for an officer to be present with speed cameras. ( details in the Notice board)

– Re quad bikes if they are being driven in public areas and there is a serious risk to life call 999. –

– If you decide to take a photo it is always a good source of evidence but is advisable to ensure it doesn’t identify you unless you are prepared to go to court.

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – Membership no’s at time of meeting are 72. We now have NHW signs thanks to Funding given from Councillor Malcolm Longley from NCC empowerment fund.


Help is needed to put the signs up. Map also needs marking to identify where the signs are located.

  • NHW – Now 72 members. Signs are ready to go up – when weather improves we need to get out there and put them up.


2/ Crowncare Retirement Development – DA/20161180.


MRA attended Daventry Town Council meeting some weeks prior to voice concerns of residents regarding this planning application. The project consultants were also contacted regarding concerns residents raised when they held their consultation in July 2018. Some residents are concerned that the concerns have not been addressed.


Areas of concern:


Parking –   The biggest issue residents have – we are advised that a ‘car park management plan’ to explain how parking will work will be issued along with the travel plan which advise people on the best way to approach the development. During construction a ‘Traffic plan for construction traffic’ will also be issued.


Height of buildings – A response has been received from Crowncare re the height of buildings which will be up to 12 metres high for the 4 storey buildings.


Heartlands Bus Exit – they have discussed with local councils but no agreement has been reached, we are also advised that an amendment has been made to the planning application which has a new layout.


3/ On Going Development Matters

Road Resurfacing – we are advised that NCC have dismissed the present contractors and appointing new. When new contractors are selected it will be out of the present financial year. It will therefore not be completed until the next financial year. DDC advise they are chasing but with no response.

Complaint – from resident about BT contractors mounting the kerb and damaging Photos to be forwarded of contractors mounting the kerb and damaging the grass. – KT will forward to appropriate authority to complain.

Heartlands Exit – District Council support our claim but it’s an NCC issue. Recent accident on Ashby Road shows the need for a second Entrance/Exit.

Road safety – KT to contact Cllr Longley with regards to Ashby Road and speeding traffic. Suggestions made were installing railing and reducing the speed to 30 mph.

Dog Waste Bins – Previously removed Waste Bin could go to another site i.e. The Reservoir Path – Action KT to approach Bellway & DDc to explore this further.

Middlemore Clean Up – Very successful 15 bags of rubbish collected. Action – Copy of picture of 15 bags to go to Keep Britain Tidy Website. Next cleanup to be scheduled at the next meeting post school holidays.


4/ Public art project update

Half Term workshops held at the pub well attended. Proposals based on the ideas given at these workshops will allow a plan to be formed.


5/ Defibrillator

Has not been used since last meeting.

CPR Training update – 8 people have been trained using the kits. Four kits are out with two people waiting for the kits.


6/ Treasurers report

Balance £453.75 at end of Feb – including donation from DDC for leaflet deliveries by MRA members.

Monies currently in bank account to be earmarked reserves in case of need for replacement pads and public liability insurance (due May.. cost is expected to be about £90)


Recent Outgoings – MRA update leaflets approx. £70 which will need to be distributed. (E-mail to follow for volunteers)



7/ Summer Event – proposed date 16th July (this may well change)

  • Separate meeting to set up details – the event could coincide with artwork installation on Lower Vale
  • Good cause to be supported is Reach for Health (local charity which encourages exercise for people with health issues)



8/      Other On Going Matters …

  • Noticeboard –to be refurbish.
  • Cycle path extension – no news
  • Bin store complaint in Hanbury Close – KT to contact Orbit housing about getting the bin store repaired.



  • Possible demarcation of road at the end of Hidcote Way – bad parking makes it hard to see where the centre of the road is and drivers often find themselves out of place. Where it meets Snowshill Close and Farnborough Drive this is a particularly hazardous section of road.  Suggestion that we request white lines to clearly define the centre of the road and contact PCSO’s to tackle inconsiderate/dangerous parking.