Last Sundays fete was once again a huge success. In total we raised £540.50.
Fabulous to see lots of new faces and wonderful to see lots more of our youngsters getting involved this year.
What an absolutely fab afternoon – it was lovely to see the residents enjoying a fun & community-binding afternoon together. I was also delighted to meet so many new faces & I personally would like to thank our wonderful community who as always rallied to the rescue.
We started putting up the bunting at 10am in the morning and were struck by drama at 11am when I realised that we couldn’t undo the bollards. Not only that but the key snapped in the lock which meant that we couldn’t get the vehicles on site to provide the bouncy castle, bucking bronco, DJ and tombola stalls. Never fear – help came along in the form of our wonderful local locksmith – Through The Keyhole. Thank you Darren for coming to our rescue and not even charging us a short notice. You are a star.
2pm on the dot the heavens opened and we had a mighty deluge of rain and then thank goodness the rain stopped and we had a glorious afternoon.
For those who didn’t attend the event this is what you missed out on:
-Bouncy castle – Bucking Bronco -Cake Sale -BBQ
-Hook a Duck – Beat the Buzzer -Raffle
-Face Painting from Vickys Fantasy Faces -Phoenix Cards from Emma -NHW Stall
We also had special guests:
Wendy our visiting artist who was hosting art making glasses for residents to contribute hand crafted artwork to appear on our tree sculpture.
Wadge from Reach for Health – our chosen beneficiary this year
Councillor Cècile Irving-Swift who is this years vice Chairman of Daventry District Council.
Rhythmic Expressions Dance school who came along and showcased their talents.
After weeks of form filling, meetings, delivering leaflets, liaising with DDC, Lots of stress, lots of hard work and late nights getting everything ready. Will we be doing it next year – You Bet’cha we will !!
Congratulations to the lucky winners of the raffle which was drawn at the event and who have all received their prizes.
CAN’T WAIT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN NEXT YEAR !!!- Want to get involved in planning next years event ? Get in touch…
…….Do you have any photos to share ?If you took any photos that you would like to share with us please do !……..