Minutes of residents meeting held 6/3/18

Updates from Middlemore Residents Association Meeting

Tuesday 6th March 2018 @ 7.30pm

Attendees –  Kate Campbell, Ian Campbell, Karen Tweedale, Alan Brown, Rosemary Brown, Jean Gosling, Mike Gosling, Christine Frost, Paul Kempson

Councillors – DDC Cllrs Ritchie, James & Poole. NCC Councillor Longley

  1. Ongoing Matters

1.1 Street Lighting

KT carried out a survey of street lighting on 21st Feb.  At that time 29 lights were out.  Steve Whelton at DDC has been contacted and advised the following:-

He has instructed repair of street lighting on roads that are the responsibility of DDC (these roads are the spine roads – Hidcote Way, Farnborough Drive & Claydon Rd).

Persimmon & Bovis have been notified about faulty street lighting on their sites. KT has contacted Barrett Homes too.

Harron homes who own the houses in Hanbury Close still cease to take any action despite endless communication which has gone on for more than 3 years.  DDC have not progressed matters any further forward.   KT has written to them and chased DDC who have now written to say that if the repairs aren’t done they will get them fixed & invoice them directly.

1.2 Grit Bins

At time of meeting all grit bins were empty.  DDC own the green one on the exit –   this has now been filled.  Persimmon also contacted re grit bins on Hidcote Way & Middleton Rd – these bins have now been filled too.  (N/B Grit bins in these locations were supplied by Persimmon as a gesture of goodwill.

KT has made enquiries as to why the bus route is not gritted (Farnborough Drive, Hidcote Way & Claydon Rd) we await further info re this.

1.3 Heartlands Exit – Bus Link

DDC confirm that widening of the bus link has been approved, along with a budget. DDC are commissioning a survey to determine the location of any services that may be affected by the proposals. Depending on the outcome of the survey, services may need to diverted or lowered.  If extra works are necessary, it may increase the expected cost. And increased budget would require supplementary approval by DDC full Council.


1.4 Public Art Installations Update  Installation of the sundial on Lower Vale to take place wc 12th March.  Further news to follow re Silver birch art installation – tree was planted late Autumn and artwork is to installed.

1.5 Parking Complaints

Residents in Charlecote Way have complained about dangerous and inconsiderate parking. As we know there are many historic complaints and a parking survey that was carried out a couple of years ago.  Particularly within this road the design of the road restricts access to emergency services when cars park on the bend by the play area.

NCC Councillor Malcolm Longley said that he would find out who to contact as there may be a solution to the problem and perhaps a possibility that we could get NCC officers to come inspect areas again.

1.6 Bin Store

Hanbury Close Bin Store is in state of disrepair. KT to chase Lindsey Harris at Orbit Homes who was looking into this matter some months ago.

2 Treasurers Update

We have a healthy balance – £357.07.  However it is esstential that we hold funds in reserve for the defibrillator cabinet – the specific pads for the defibrillator are approx. £90 each.  The groups public liability insurance is also due for renewal in May.  Last years premium approx. £84 and we expect this cost to increase.

Invoice to be raised for leafletting that the group carried out in October.  – Action KT

3 NHW Update

2 new applications have come in and there are now 75 members. Police are keen for us to continue to grow. Nine extra signs to go up in spring.  Volunteers in place to achieve this.

4 Update on Site 8 East

This site is in the process of being sold to Futures housing – talks underway.  DDC councillors in attendance at the meeting indicated that there are no firm plans as yet.   The outline plans are for a mixed stock of houses totalling 100.

Residents present suggested that it would be useful to involve residents in consultation regarding plans for the site.

KC to pursue Futures Housing for information.

  1. Update on site 10 owned by Daventry Estates Company Meetings have been taking place regarding proposals for Site 10 housing. Cllr Ritchie has been involved with this.  The group is being led by Adam Brown to review what will happen next.  We were advised that houses that have been vacated are to be re-let on 6 month leases until a decision has been made.   Any plans to sell the house are on hold until all possible options have been investigated further – sold as a lot, sold individually or kept and continued to be let.    Councillor Poole advised that he was attending in case of any questions – residents agreed that as there was already a steering group regarding Site 10 it would remain a separate issue but happy to get involved and support if asked to.

6 Summer Fundraiser

Date agreed for event is Sunday 1st July 2018.

More details are to be agreed – benefitting charity/ fundraising cause is to be decided.

DDC to be contacted to enquire about one off community event grant.


Road surfacing – The works are meant to be carried out by NCC contractors but as we are aware NCC are under the scrutiny currently so we wait to hear further news regarding who will be carrying out the works.  KT to pursue further information.

Hidcote Way Play – ideally this whole area requires fencing off – as it fronts the roadside where children often run into the road when chasing each other in and out of the bushes around the equipment. – to be investigated

Community centre –   the need for community facilities was discussed – it is hoping that the Crowncare development will commence soon and that the developers honour their commitment to make facilities available to the community.

Middlemore Clean-Up – next clean-up is scheduled for 7th April 2018 from 12 noon onwards.

Bin collections – the new 3 weekly collections start in June.  Residents have concerns about hygiene, smells and quantity of waste – in particular households who need to dispose of nappies.  Nappies are very heavy and it is felt that it would be easy to fill a bin just with nappies alone.  There were also concerns about fly tipping of garden waste.

Cycle path – the project appears to have been shelved as one of the land owners has refused to sell land that is needed for the route of the cycle path to Braunston.

Grit bins – consideration of how much grit bins cost £270 to buy and £40 per load (3 times per year). NCC criteria back in 2013


NEXT MEETING IS ON 1st MAY 2018 @ 6:30pm

4 Replies to “Minutes of residents meeting held 6/3/18”

  1. Yay – 100 more housing association homes …. Just *exactly* what this estate needs …. alongside all the Orbit homes, site 10 rentals and landlords changing their properties to 1 bedroom HMO’s …

    Yet another developer building just enough homes to ensure they don’t actually have to provide any facilities for the community of any use..

    If you still own a house on Middlemore – sell it quickly … 10 years time this will be the dump of Daventry.

    1. The houses aren’t housing association homes – they are going to be a mixed stock. Some will be sold , some part ownership and some rented. Details will be available soon.

  2. Bovis have fixed their lights – a lot still out on Farnborough drive so guess DDC haven’t sorted them yet.

    1. Whereabouts are you and can you tell me which lights on Farnborough Drive you are referring to please. There is a still a light out on Hardwick Hall Way

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