Middlemore Residents AGM – Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

Dear Residents,

The AGM of the residents association is taking place this forthcoming Tuesday at Middlemore Farm Public House.  The meeting starts at 7:30pm.

the current committee will stand down and a new committee will be elected on the night.

Do you want to get involved or know someone who would like to ?

This is your community and the residents association exists to serve all of you.

If you have any questions please email us info@middlemore.co



Outcomes Middlemore Residents Association Meeting

Tuesday 11thSep 2018 @ 6.30pm

 Present : Ian & Kate Campbell, Rosemary Brown, Karen Tweedale, Jean Gosling

Apologies :  Mike Gosling, Cllr Ken Ritchie, Cllr Aiden Ramsey, Alan Brown

  1. Ongoing Matters

1.1 Street Lighting

Most of the previously reported street lights were repaired .

A few lights have recently been reported to us.  DDC have been be chased to find out when the next round of repairs will occur.

1.2 Grit Bins

All Grit bins are currently full.  Previously residents association were advised that Middlemore doesn’t  qualify for grit bins as the gradient is not steep enough to meet NCC gritting criteria. KT has been waiting for news from DDC as to whether it is possibly for them to undertake gritting of the bus route until such a time as the roads are adopted.  – DDC have chased this and not heard any further news

1.3 Heartlands Exit – Bus Link

As it stands currently funding and a budget have been agreed.

One of local residents contacted the Chief of Excutive early August and received this response.  “funding was approved for the works to these roads. The County Council’s contractor , KeirWSP, is currently assessing the condition of the roads and path required with a view to agreeing what works should be done. As Councillor Millar explained at the Council meeting, roads fronting onto development sites will not be completed until after the development is complete; otherwise the newly completed road ends up damaged and patched. However, the other sections of road will be completed this financial year.

As Councillor Millar sought to explain at the Council meeting, the forthcoming unitary reorganisation , if it occurs , should not prevent the roads being adopted. This is because the same organisation would be the owner of the roads and the highway authority , and therefore it would not have any financial benefit from insisting on unduly high standards before adopting. “



Latest update that we had regarding the bus link is that funding of  £196k has been approved (May 2018) , within DDC’s 2018/19 capital programme. An outline design was prepared by KierWSP (NCC highways). The outline proposal incorporates traffic calming with priority flow control adjacent to where the disused railway track to Braunston crosses Farnborough drive.


1.4 Public Art Installations Update

Sundialis installed other than initial tampering issues there has been no further damage.  We note that the sundial doesn’t actually light up in the dark – perhaps because it is sited below street lighting.

It would  would be useful if sundial plaque had user instructions.

Silver Birch art installation – there were some concerns during the dry weather that the tree would die – DDC arranged for the tree to be watered.  We will find out how it has fared after the winter season.

1.5 Parking Complaints

Resident in Charlcote Way have  complained about inconsiderate parking. Request has been made for yellow lines as the present design and inconsiderate parking restricts emergency service vehicles and access.  This is something that previous councillor Chris Long tried to do something about.

As NCC are now in effect bankrupt they are only permitted to spend on matters they are legally obliged to pay for. It is therefore highly unlikely that any progress will be made in this area. KierSWP have been contacted to advise on this matter.

(KT has since received a response from NCC explaining  that as the estate has not been adopted and the road in question still belongs to the developer that nothing can be done at this time.)

1.6 Bin Store

Hanbury Close Bin Store is in state of disrepair. KT has chased repairs to this area on more than one occasion.  To be chased again and photos to be sent.  This has been chased and still no response from Orbit Homes

2 Treasurers Update

Balance stands at £267.45 – no change.  As we don’t know whether we will be able to apply for grants towards funding community events this year we need to be careful to maintain a healthy balance.

Liabilities that we have included Public Liability insurance & replacement of defibrillator pads as and when it is used.  (N.B Pads are one time use only and the specific pads to be used on the defib cost £89 plus delivery)


3 NHW Update

Currently 81 households subscribed to NHW. Police are keen for us to continue to grow. Nine extra signs to go up still.  NHW Signage is with Secretary and will be put up at next available opportunity.when required


4 Update on Site 8

Planning application went before planning on 10thOctober  2018 and was refused at this present time.

5 Update on site 10 owned by Daventry Estates Company

Sale of these houses has been deferred.  We understand that the houses are being rented on short term lets.  We have no futher details and await further information from Councillor Ritchie.

6 Summer Fundraising and Charity for the year

Summer fundraising event a success but not as good as previous years. With the fact that it was same day as world cup and an extremely hot day (34 degrees) we feel that this may have put people off attending.   There was a good turnout but simply not enough shelter and volunteers struggled in the extreme heat.  Despite this we were thrilled to donate the sum of £200 to the Air Ambulance.



Play area

We feel that this area requires proper fencing around it. Many children playing in this area chase each other in and out of the bushes often running into the road with reported near misses of cars having to hit brakes.

We have also chased DDC as to why the play area bucket swing has still not been reinstated or the safety surface fixed.  DDC advise that they are awaiting quotes and that as soon as they have all 3 quotes they can instruct repair and reinstate the swing. DDC officer has since advised that all quotes received he is just awaiting a start date