Residents Association Meeting 13th March 2019 – 7:00pm








Minutes of  Middlemore Residents Association Meeting

Tuesday 15thJanuary 2019  @ 6.30pm

CommitteePresent: Chair – I Campbell  Secretary – K TweedaleVice Chair – J Gosling   Vice Secretary – K Campbell

Also present – Councillor James, R Brown, C Frost,  I French, A French, A Orr, Clare Harris, D  Deane, N Humphries,D Burton

Apologies: Councillor Ritchie, Councillor Ramsey,  A Brown – Treasurer, M Gosling


1.1 Roads & resurfacing & widening of bus exit

No further progress ! DDC advise that although monies have been reserved for the works they are still await further tenders and have to follow procurement procedure – 3 quotes are needed.  DDC cannot at this moment advise when works will commence.  Cllr David James also advised that the Business Team have appointed Mark George who is a new Project Manager so he may prove a useful contact.
ACTION: Committee Members to prepare letter to council asking for update ready for next Council Meeting 21 February.
ACTION: Councillor D James to contact Simon Bowers for an update.

1.2Bus Exit

Tickets were issued 8.1.19 to drivers who were using the bus exit.  Sgt Dobbs has advised that the Officer who issued the tickets was new to the area and unaware that the road does not have a Traffic Enforcement order on it and unenforceable.  Sgt Dobbs has contacted the ticket office to get them quashed.trying to get the tickets quashed.  Needless to say this issue has wasted valuable police and office resouces.

1.3  Parking
Parking continues to be an ongoing bone of contention.  Current advice from NCC is that until such a time as Middlemore road are adopted highways cannot do anything about parking issues.  This is also compounded by the fact we are awaiting the outcome of Unitary authority.   Kierwsp have advised that should a vehicle be parked in such a manner that would cause an obstruction to motorists/pedestrians and emergency services, in this instance you would need to contact Northants Police Safer Roads Team on 101, who would be able to issue fixed notices if they deem those vehicles to be causing an obstruction.”   The email address for Safer Roads Team is

1.4 Gritting
All grit bins on Middlemore currently full.KT advised that we are still waiting to hear further news from Steve Whelton about the possibility of DDC taking on gritting of bus route through Middlemore. There are already issues from time to time with the buses and icy /snowy road conditions make roads even more unsafe.

* Due to cutbacks at NCC Highways have already stopped gritting some of the Daventry roads, this includes some of those that are bus routes so we will await to hear outcome. ACTION KT to chase SW at DDC. ACTIONKT to email Steve Bird at Stagecoach regarding potential communication set up so we can advise when the estate is not safe for buses.

1.5  Lighting
At the time of the meeting, Bovis were due to come out and look at the lights under their control.  They have since been and the extent of repairs are such that a further visit is required.  Charlecote Way lights have been fixed.  There is a post on Next Door asking for residents to inform us of any lights that are out.  ACTION KT to chase

One resident has complained about the security lights on the new Warehouse to the right of the bus exit as they shine into the back of their property but there has been no resolution for this as yet.

1.6  HGV Signage
New “No HGV” signs have been ordered and some have now been installed.

1.7 Bed & Breakfast  operating on Middlemore
Complaint from residents that a B & B is operating has been forwarded to the environmental team for investigation.

1.8 Public Art
It was agreed that we should keep the Community Team up to date with any breakages or maintenance issues.  We have been advised that there is currently no maintenance contract in place. ACTIONKT to chase signage for sundial and issue of solar lighting not working – does it need moving further down the vale?

1.9 Bin Store (Hanbury Close)
Orbit have instructed their contractors to fix (last update was November).

1.9 Noise Nuisance
Not many complaints recently.  KT has been in touch with environmental officer and agreed that case will be closed for now and reopened later in year It is expected that there will be a rise in reports when the weather gets warmer and people’s windows are open.  Residents are encouraged to report noise nuisance to Environmental Health.

2.Stagecoach Buses
There have been reports of aggressive driving in the bus exit area and bad driving/speeding on other areas of the estate.All issues should be reported directly to Stagecoach.

3.Play Area Hidcote Way
The safety surface has been replaced beneath the bucket swing (previously removed due to the damage to the safety surface) but has already been dug up again. A replacement bucket swing has been ordered.

4.Neighbourhood Watch
A Brown sent his apologies but there were no updates in this area. There is a steady increase in members. Signage still to go up but simply hasn’t been time.

5.Treasurers Report
Our balance remains £267.54

6.Summer Event
Most precent were in favour of holding another Summer Events. Suggested dates are Sat 6 or Sun 7thJuly 2019. The majority of attendees at the meeting are in favour of this taking place again and favour a Sunday.   ACTIONKT to create a facebook poll to see which is most popular day.

7. Kids Disco
We have considered hosting a kids disco.Sound in Motion Disco donated a kids disco at last years summer which was won by member of residents committee.As time is against us we are exploring the option further.  We have a voucher for a Kids Disco that was won as a prize in last year’s summer event. The possibility of having a Disco at the Middlemore Farm public house was discussed – as the pub is being refurbished we expect the pub will be getting significantly busier.

8. Site 8 – Futures Housing development
Planning permission has now been granted on an amended version of the original plans

9. Site 10 – Daventry Estates Company
We understand that the houses continue to be let on short term lets and there are no plans to sell at this time. This doesn’t mean that the opportunity will not be explored again in the future.


10.1. Cycle Path extensionCouncillor D James reported that some headway is being made with this.  DDC are in negotiation with the Canals and Rivers Trust regarding the plot of land which falls on the planned route.  If successful the planned cycle path to Braunston will go ahead.

10.2. Petition Councillor K Ritchie currently has a petition in place asking for signatures supporting the installation of a barrier next to the pedestrian path adjacent to the A361 between Middlemore and the Lang Farm roundabout, near Drayton Reservoir – we await further updates

10.3 Hidote Way Play Area– Bucket swing still hasn’t been replaced – latest update was that one was being ordered in December 18.  Fencing is still desired around the area to stop children running into the road

10.4 – Damage to Cobbles around the edge of Hardwick Hall Way are coming lose and are hazardous, broken manhole covers and a water meter covers missing. Resident to send photos and location to KT            ACTION: KT to contact Bovis



  1. Future Meetings
    Dates for the year ahead have now changed (moved to Wednesday) and are as follows:

13 March 2019
15 May 2019
17 July 2019
11 September 2019
13 November 2019.  – AGM