Our next residents meeting is being held this forthcoming Wednesday at Middlemore Farm Public House. Meeting commences at 7pm .
(Turn left as you walk into building and go up steps)
Below are the minutes of our last meeting held 13.3.19: Updates will be given to actions at Wednesdays meeting
Wednesday 13th March 2019 @ 7.00pm
Minutes of Middlemore Residents Association Meeting
Present: Chair – I Campbell , Secretary – K Tweedale. Treasurer – A Brown, Vice Secretary – K Campbell
Also present – Councillor Ritchie, Councillor Ramsey, R Brown, C Frost, I French, A French
Apologies: Councillor James, Vice Chair – J Gosling
1.1 Roads & resurfacing & widening of bus exit
Having previously written and asked question of The Council as to when the roads are likely to be completed our Chairperson attended Daventry District Full Council meeting on 21stFebruary 2019. A formal written response has been requested but one has thus far not been received. To listen to the discussion please visit this link (relevant recording is approx. 9 mins)
We also note that some temporary ‘patching’ works have taken place along Hidcote Way/Claydon Road.
ACTION: Committee Members to prepare letter to council asking for formal response that was previously requested and attend the next meeting of Daventry District Council on 15th May 2019.
1.2 Bus Exit Signage
Discussion also took place regarding priority signage being installed and the current signage being removed as it is not enforceable. We understand that although they are not enforceable council still unhappy to move them.
1.3 Parking
No updates since last meeting
1.4 Gritting
NO further updates – we still await further information from Steve Whelton.
1.5 Lighting & other maintenance issues
Bovis are planning works to replace many of the street lamps in Buscot Parkway and Chartwell Close. KT has requested timescale
Wires also exposed on one of the street lamps on Hardwick Hall Way Action – KT to chase
Street lamp on Farnborough Drive opposite Middleton Rd has finally been replaced .
Cobblestones and missing water meter covers on Hardwick Hall Way – no response yet. KT to chase
1.6 HGV Signage
New “No HGV” signs have been ordered and some have now been installed.
One has fallen down – chase SW at DDC to get it sorted and request that some more are put on central columns as there seems to be an increase in HGV’s cutting through. Action KT
1.7 Public Art
It was agreed that we should keep the Community Team up to date with any breakages or maintenance issues. We have been advised that there is currently no maintenance contract in place.
In recent extreme high winds there has been more breakage on the rain tree art installation. Action – KT report to DDC.
Sundial – mention again that the solar lighting does not light and that weedkiller has been sprayed where daisies are believed to have been planted – does it need relocating further down the vale ? Action KT
1.8Bin Store (Hanbury Close)
Orbit have instructed their contractors to fix (last update was November)- KT checked after meeting and no repairs have been carried out. Photo taken and forwarded to Orbit. Action KT
1.9Noise Nuisance
Not many complaints recently. KT has heard from environmental officer and it is agreed that case will be closed for now and reopened later in year if issues reoccur. Review in summer/ warmer months.
1.10 Stagecoach Buses
At previous meeting (Jan) there were complaints about Stagecoach drivers aggressive driving in the bus exit area and badly driving/speeding on other areas of the estate. All issues should be reported directly to Stagecoach.
KT wrote to Steve Burd at Stagecoach to discuss plan of action in inclement weather but hasn’t received a response.
1.11 Play Area Hidcote Way
All safety surface in the area has been replaced and some remedial works to landscape but still no bucket swing KT to chase
1.12Neighbourhood Watch
No new updates
1.13Treasurers Report
Our balance remains £267.54. Monies earmarked for insurance and defibrillator pads
1.14Summer Event
Summer event will be 30th June 2019. Funds raised will be donated to Parkinsons UK.
KT to create a FB post to ask for volunteers. In memory of Mike Gosling.
1.15 Public Liability renewal will be approx. £80 due end May
2/ Other matters.
2.1 Kids Disco
Plans have been shelved for now as we simply don’t have enough resource. Will revisit later in year.
2.2 Ashby Road A361Petition Update Councillor K Ritchie had meeting with Simon Bowers to discuss possible barrier protection/path widening that can be put in place. There are many specification changes since the road and development was built – await updates.
2.3 Correspondance–
a.Post on nextdoor saying that people were trying car doors, caught on CCTV. KT has out a post to encourage people to join NHW and report in suspicious activity. Householder also complaining about fence that needs substantial repair as people keep climbing through it and breaking it.
b. Householder on Weston Hall Lane has been trying to find out who owns ‘scrubland’ between plots on Claydon Gardens and Weston Hall Lane. Fence often needs repair and people climbing through fencing here too.
c. Tree line fronting the reservoir – KT has received communication from Stowe Walk householder who is campaigning to get height of tree line reduced. Apparently there is Middlemore covenant stating that tree line should be no higher than 5ft. – KT to share information on Middlemore.co and other social media. More info to follow from the Stowe Walk resident in due course.
Aob/ Resident, Alan French present voiced how happy he is with new Norse contract which seems far better than the previous maintenenace/rubbish collection.
At the close of the meeting all present expressed their condolences and sadness having learnt the sad news of Mike Goslings death. Mike has always been an active supporter of Middlemore Residents Association and will be sadly missed.
Future Meetings
Dates for the year ahead have now changed (moved to Wednesday) and are as follows:
22ndMay 2019
17 July 2019
11 September 2019
13 November 2019 – AGM