Our next meeting is this forthcoming Wednesday at 7pm. Below are the minutes from Mays meeting. Updates of the outcomes will be available at the meeting.
Minutes of Middlemore Residents Association Meeting
Wednesday 22 May 2019 @ 7.00pm
Also present – Councillor Ritchie, R Brown, C Frost, T Thompson, F Thompson, M Wilkinson, J Taylor-Rutt, E Gardner, R Gardner, M Nelson, D Deane.
Present: Chair – I Campbell , Secretary – K Tweedale. Vice Chair – J Gosling Treasurer – A Brown, Vice Secretary – K Campbell
Apologies: DDC Cllr James, DDC Cllr Ramsey
1/ Ongoing matters.
- Roads & Resurfacing – MRA wrote to DDC to ask the following questions:
1) Where are you in the tender process ie how many prices do you have so far? (It surely doesn’t take 12 months to get 3 prices)
2) When do you expect the works to be completed? I realistic response would be appreciated.
3) How can you guarantee this given that we have been advised of completion during each financial year since 2015?
As the meeting had been brought forward to a Wednesday and we only submitted the letter on the Monday the question was not allowed (it has to be received noon 3 working days clear of the full council meeting
Cllr David James had advised that he was meeting with Simon Bowers on 22ndMay and would update. We
also asked Cllr Ritchie to find out further information.
We also asked about archaeological digs that have been taking place on Site 8E – they are standard digs and
have to take place as part of the planning process before works can commence.
- Bus Exit Signage – no further progress
- Parking – other than usual grumbles about inconsiderate parking no further progress. Reminder again that dangerous or obstructive parking must be reported into the local police.
- Gritting – no further news. Defer to later in year
- Lighting and maintenance – awaiting works to be done by Bovis who are awaiting drawings and consent to progress.
- Concern about drain covers on Brampton Grange Drive was raised by Bellway residents. KT advised who Bellway contact is.
- HGV Signage – one sign needs fixing back in place. Could do with additional signs. Recently example was a lorry that managed to find its way all along Hidcote Way but couldn’t get any further and had to reverse down entire estate.
- Public art. KT has been liaising with Katie Arnold regarding the sundial. Concerns had been expressed over the fact that it is has been sprayed with weed killer and that the flowers that were meant to be planted obviously aren’t going to come through. We (Middlemore Residents Association) have been invited to apply for a community grant to take over looking after it. It is also noted that due to its location close to a street lamp the solar lamps have never been seen to light up. Assumedly they were tested when the installation was completed. After discussion it was decided that to take on responsibility of the sundial is an awfully big undertaking.
A suggested solution to be put to Daventry District Council is that the sundial is moved further down the vale and cemented into a concrete base. Alternative sugegstion was for a manual lawnmower to be purchased for cutting around the stones and to ask norse not to spray weedkiller around it . Action contact Katie Arnold for further advice and send photos of what it currently looks like.
- Hanbury Close Bin store – KT has sent photos of the bin store and chased up Orbit who advised that they understood it had been completed.
- Noise nuisance – Most present say that now windows are open again the noise is becoming somewhat of a nuisance. Continue to monitor and if people wish to complain KT to make contact with Karen Pell, Environmental team and share details of the form to be completed. They need at least two weeks of logs from as many affected people as possible
- Buses – discussion took place re asking for signs to say give priority to buses at the Heartlands exit.
- Hidcote way play area and Clevedon court play area – KT has contacted DDC to ask for Clevedon court fencing to be fixed. This has now been done. We await an update as to when the play park will receive some attention. DDC have also finally replaced the bucket swing at Hidcote Way Play Area.
2. Neighbourhood Watch update – AB advised that there has been a number of vehicle crimes and bike thefts reported across the district. A reminder needs to go out to NHW members re reporting in crimes to NHW co-ordinator as well as reporting on social media as we don’t always get to hear about incidents and therefore can’t update members who aren’t on facebook etc.
3. Treasurer report – Insurance has recently been renewed with Zurich Insurance which leaves us with £183.45 in the bank account.
4. Summer Event update – awaiting news as to whether we have been accepted for grant application. Lots of forms to be completed – these include grant app, letter of support from Parish council, evidence of costs, copy of accounts, proof of insurance, licence for use of land from DDC, booking form to be submitted for licence, detailed risk assessment, copy of Bouncetime liability certificates and our own liability insurance certificates.
We also discussed posters, flyers and possibility of purchasing a sign that can be reused every year.
KT also to contact Parkinsons UK to ask about fundraising materials or if anyone wishes to attend on the day.
Update from Ken Ritchie
Ken advised that he has spoken with Simon Bowers but was awaiting an update as at time of meeting had heard nothing further.
Much discussion took place re state of roads and pathways and many expressed concern that council should have duty of care to ensure that they are safe to use.
Re safety barrier – DDC are still exploring viable plans. Make the pathway safer is part of Micklewell conditions.
AOB- The exit to Heartlands exit, opposite the new constructed building has recently been cleared. Residents asked why this is. ActionKT to contact DDC to ask if they can share any information.
Date of next meeting : – 17thJuly 2019
Future meeting dates are: 17 July 2019
11 September 2019
13 November 2019 – AGM