Keep A361 (Alongside Drayton reservoir) open for Middlemore residents – ACT NOW !!

On Tuesday 23rd January 2020 Middlemore residents held an URGENT meeting to address the issue of impending closure of A361 alongside the reservoir and closure of entrance to Middlemore estate.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Councillor David James and to Cllr Ken Ritchie who came along to show their support.

Despite the fact that very short notice was given we had an amazing turnout of local residents who are very upset about the closure of the road and the expectation of residents to use the single track bus link that we have been told for many years we, residents of Middlemore, are not allowed to use.

Residents recognise the need for delivery of key services. – gas, electricity, water, drainage etc to be delivered to Micklewell Park but are very worried about impact the closure will have.

Key concerns voiced were:-

  • road safety there are queues of vehicles at the bus link that access the construction sites on the estate in the mornings and drivers do not wish to give way to each other.
  • fishermen will choose to park on the estate as access to the car park will likely be closed.
  • if there is an emergency how quickly will emergency services be able to access the estate
  • Construction sites – the high boarding around Crowncare estate means there is no safe visibility of the road from either direction.
  • are local utilities locally to be affected ie – will services be disrupted?
  • Have NCC / Highways carried out a risk assessment regarding the impact it will have on the estate
  • Impact to our local businesses on both Middlemore – Select Convenience and Middlemore Farm and the fact that potential town shoppers might choose to go and shop elsewhere
  • Is the road closure legal – if the road isn’t adopted can NCC Highways actually enforce this ?
  • the impact on neighbouring local villages – Welton and Lang Farm.

It was agreed that a petition would be raised – link below and local media sources will be contacted to raise publicity.

Please visit the link and sign if you agree that the road closure SHOULDN’T happen.