Good afternoon all,
I need your help please !
I hope you are keeping safe and well during the current Co-vid 19 outbreak.
Please can I request, if you aren’t already doing so, to keep an eyes open for any vulnerable/ elderly residents who may need to self isolate/ distance themselves. A key consideration is that many of our older members of the community do not use social media and will not be aware of various support available.
I am compiling a list of willing volunteers that are willing to help deliver essential items to households self isolating / socially distancing. Please can you drop me a line – or call me on 07885 758530
** A key message is that we won’t enter the households and communication will be via phone ****
We are also very lucky to have our dedicated shop owner, Dav and his staff, who has offered deliveries to Middlemore households needing to self isolate.
)n this page there is a really useful printable pdf (
If you don’t have access to a printer you could of course write a more traditional handwritten note and pop it through your neighbours door.
If you aren’t able to help yourself please feel free to drop me a line or give them my personal mobile no 07885 758530.
There is also a local Whats app group which has been set up by a Timken Resident Rebecca.
If you are able to offer assistance to the local wider area and wish to find out more please visit this link.
Stay safe and well people.
Many thanks Karen
Hi there
I’m happy to offer my services to be a phone buddy to local vulnerable residents in need of call to check on them
I’m currently stuck at home alone so would love to help out in any way
That would be great Deborah – can you email Chris at Daventry Volunteer Centre – they keep a register of volunteers for Happy at Home Scheme for people feeling isolated at home . Be great if you can be in touch with local people too inc possibly Lang Farm
Hi if you struggle for paracetamol I have some you can have just let me know x
Thank you Heather