(Posted by Karen)
Well, who could have believed the year that we have had!I had the honour of receiving a certificate in the post from Daventry Volunteer Centre yesterday. The certificate thanks me for my efforts volunteering during the Co-vid 19 pandemic.
Of course, I cannot take the credit, without all our volunteers coming together. the success of supporting our local community during this difficult time could not have happened with the help and dedication of everyone that has rallied and responded to requests to help from me.
Requests we have met include a spot of gardening, prescriptions, shopping errands, being a listener on the end of the phone, distributing letters at the beginning of lockdown, making masks and scrubs for NHS and more besides. I would hazard a guess that around 150 requests have been received altogether, half on the freephone number, , some via email and text and many direct to Middlemore stores itself
YOU FOLKS ARE AMAZING – Thank you for being Middlemore heroes. Special thanks to Nikki, Mark, Georgina, Katie, Chris, Craig, Simone, Aiden, Joe, Wez,, Beth,, Angela, Frazer & Hattie, Sarah

Not forgetting all the Middlemore stores staff who have worked tirelessly and Daventry who has come up with some genius ideas to ensure that people could still get their daily provisions – some who popped along with their own containers to have their flour measured out for them, or to buy a single loo roll. Thank you Middlemore stores team – you are amazing !!!!
On a final note folks please please remember COVID IS NOT OVER !!
Second wave ???? We can but pray that we will not have to go through another lockdown. But please be assured that I am still someone available on the end of the phone if you have an URGENT request and cannot get out. 0800 180 8999
on a personal note …. – If you are out and about shopping please don’t forget to use the hand sanitisers provided , wear a mask and keep at a safe distance from others. This doesn’t just apply to shops in town but Middlemore Store too – those not wearing a masks /keeping a safe distance puts our workers at risk. If one of our shop workers was infected most likely all staff would told by track and trace to self isolate and we would be well and truly stuck without our wonderful local shop.
Stay safe all.
Karen xx
Yes fully agree keep up the excellent work and thank you all
Terry Gilford