Middlemore matters !

Dear Residents,

We hope that you are keeping safe and well during lockdown. These past twelve months have most certainly been a testing time. It has also been a time in which our wonderful Middlemore Community have pulled together and helped each other in times of need.

It has now been almost 18 months since the Residents Association last held a meeting. This has been due to circumstances way beyond our control; since which we are now on our 3rd lockdown. Meanwhile Middlemore matters continue to crop up from time to time: Karen, our Secretary, has fielded these issues as much as possible but we now feel it is essential that meetings are held at the earliest opportunity to both elect a Committee and address any new and ongoing issues.

This is where we need your help !

Please email us details of any issues that are causing you concern. We will compile an agenda from this information. The email address is info@middlemore.co

We understand that some issues are recurring we do not want to miss this long awaited opportunity to address issues that residents wish to raise.

Election of committee

WE NEED YOU ! We’re really keen to welcome new members to our committee. The roles Roles are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Vice – Secretary & Treasurer.

If you wish to stand for a committee role please send us an email info@midddlemore.co to be received no later than Friday 26th February 2021.


Tuesday 2nd March 2021 7pm – Election of Committee

Wednesday 3rd March 2021 7pm – Residents meeting to address agenda items.

Both Meetings will be hosted via zoom.

If you wish to attend the meetings please email us so that we can send you a secure link. (Guests will only be able to join from emailed invitations).