Middlemore Residents Association Updates November 2021

1/ Outcome of Middlemore picnic

A lovely time was had by all that attended.   A total sum of £130 was raised.  This has been donated to Daventry Mayors Charity Muscular Dystrophy UK.

2/. Bank account 

The bank account balance is currently £352.14.  Some of these funds are earmarked reserves for replacement if defibrillator pads.  Cheques have been issued for Daventry Mayors Charity and for expenses incurred for the summer picnic.  (receipts submitted.

There are ongoing delays with the bank who are still yet to update the signatories for the account.  (We first submitted the forms in early Spring)

3/  Insurance

The liability insurance lapsed in Summer 2019.  As we haven’t held any events and due to the increasing cost of premium the group unanimously agreed that we will decide in the New year when we hope to be in a position to host community events.  This will be reviewed at each future meeting.

4/   Ongoing matters – Street Lighting, Play area, Litter, fly tipping.

Street lights – no complaints recently.  We are aware of street lighting in Hardwick Hall Way that still hasn’t been repaired.  KT has reported to WNC and Bovis.  WNC have heard from Bovis who are sending out engineers to look at the lights and carry out repairs.

Litter – continue to monitor this.  We are blessed with a number of local #litterheroes who have kits from Daventry Town council.   

There has been a noted increase in the amount of litter around the site.  Also concern over the hedgerow from Crowncare site blocking the pathway. KT has contacted council who have spoken with developers to address this matter.to contact council

Play areas.  There is some concern over lack of maintenance of play areas.  

Snowshill Close has now been addressed by the developers (Persimmon)

Althorpe Close – there is a large overhanging tree and not much sign of maintenance in this area.   

Brampton Grange Drive – concern over the size of the stones in the play area which have very jagged edges  – KT to contact adoptions manager at Bellway.

Fly tipping continues to be an issue in Stoneacre Close and is being reported into WNC regularly.

5/ Cycle Path to Canal 

The path is now finished and a no of concerns have been indentified.  There are some complaints from residents backing on to the bridleway regarding off road bikes accessing the area and there has also been vandalism to some of the signage and the fence.  The issue needs to be escalated with WNC who arfe responsible for maintenance of the area.  All complaints and concerns need to be fed into WNC and to the local policing team.

6/ Drayton Reservoir

The reservoir has strict rules and fishermen are reminded that the reservoir is surrounded on all sides by housing.  ALL anti-social issues need to be reported at the time that they are happening so that they can be dealt with straight away.

A resident who lives alongside the reservoir confirms that any time she has contacted the bailiffs they have been swift to take action.

The Telephone no’s for the bailiff are daytime 07889 532563 and nightime 07800 769047

 8/ Defibrillator.  Local resident Mr Tweedale has purchased and donated a set of defibrillator pads and a set of new batteries for the defibrillator.  Cost of items purchased £63.97 

9/ A361 Roadworks & pathway at side of reservoir

It was a condition of the Micklewell Park planning app that works are to be done to the pathway alongside the reservoir. 

KT has contacted  Simon Bowers (Assistant Director of Assets and Environment – WNC). He advises that the pathway may be widened 

10/. Crowncare

Still no movement on building works.  KT to make enquiries.


11th Jan

1st March – AGM

One Reply to “Middlemore Residents Association Updates November 2021”

  1. The pathway alongside the reservoir not only needs widening but a fence to make it safe too. The lorries and cars travel fast along that road a fence would make it safer for pedestrians

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