MIDDLEMORE RESIDENTS MEETING & Reporting anti social behaviour

Happy New Year Everyone !

The Residents Association have decided to hold our next residents meeting online – you will find the details below.

Topic: Middlemore Residents Meeting 11th January 2022
Time: Jan 11, 2022 19:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 093 4391
Passcode: xK6sST

Meanwhile I have an URGENT request for residents sighting bikes on bridleway and other commonly used walkways. There have been an increasing no of complaints/comments from Middlemore residents regarding motorbikes and off roads along the bridleway and newly extended pathway to the canal and other walkways into the estate. As the paths and bridleway back directly onto Middlemore it is causing a public safety and noise nuisance.

I have made what enquiries I can but it appears that there is a lack of reporting on this matter and this is why the matter hasn’t been escalated, PLEASE if you hear or witness anytime REPORTING ALL INCIDENTS IS ESSENTIAL.

Whilst the crime is in progress dial 999 if you consider there to be a danger to life.

Here is the link to report any incidents https://www.northants.police.uk

Useful information is description of bikes, number plates if applicable, description of riders – clothing, hair, age, appearance etc.

5 Replies to “MIDDLEMORE RESIDENTS MEETING & Reporting anti social behaviour”

  1. Calling 999 for noise nuisance, really? I completely agree it needs reporting, but surely not to the already overstretched emergency services?

    1. Hi Monique – no not 999 for noise nuisance. A caller would only call 999 if they deemed the situation to be dangerous – ie to pedestrians and dog walkers. T

  2. Bit confused as I thought you were allowed to cycle on a bridleway, and the new pathway down to the canal is definitely a cycleway as there are blue cycle signs on the posts all the way!!

    1. Hi Farrell – thanks for your comments . As you point out the cycle track is for cycles. The complaints have been regarding motorbikes and off road motorbikes/quads

    I’ve had several communications (and spent an inordinate amount of time) talking to Mark George who was the project manager for WNDC on this project.
    At the planning stage I voiced my concerns, not about the tarmacing of the footpath, but the possible security risks for the residents whose houses run parallel to the footpath due to the obvious higher footfall the pathway will attract. This was ignored.

    I have several emails from Mark George in which he states he warned the planners of the likelihood the upgrade of the footpath would attract off road bikes etc. and that suitable barriers should be installed to deter such useage. Each time he raised the issue he was categorically told that no barriers could be installed.

    The pathway is not lit and the off road bikes travel at such speed it’s impossible to identify anything useful to pass onto the police, who we all know are understaffed and under resourced, a ridiculous situation.

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