Middlemore Roads and footpaths completion

We are sure that you will all be pleased to hear that highway completion work began earlier this week. at the Heartlands end of Farnborough Drive, with traffic management for safety & keeping traffic flowing

Initial works commenced on Tuesday 30th January and are expected to be completed by early March and are being undertaken using West Northants framework with Steele & Bray acting as Principal Contractor, whilst the surfacing / site work, is being done by Phoenix Paving.

The second part of the works at the entrance to Middlemore onto the A361, is for re-surfacing of the dual carriageway section of Farnborough Drive in two halves. This section of works is currently programmed to begin the 28th Feb The proposals are to use traffic lights at the junction / roundabout to surface one side at a time, finishing on the 3rd March. We understand that this second part of works is dependent on approval from highways

Here is the timeline for the predicted completion of the works.

Draft programme for completion of works

2 Replies to “Middlemore Roads and footpaths completion”

  1. Thankyou for the update .
    Does anyone know what the timescales are for the estate roads to be adopted by the council.?

    1. Hi Ian, The spine roads ( Claydon Rd, Farnborough Drive & Hidcote Way) have to be adopted before individual developer plots are adopted . Once the Farnborough Drive works are completed I will ask the officer at WNC to clarify – kindest Karen

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