Middlemore Continues to Grow

As many of you will have noticed building works commenced on Middlemore just before Christmas for both Site 10 (Galliford Try) and for site 9 and 8b (Bellway)

Middlemore Site Layout
Click to view map

The Middlemore Residents Association (MRA) have received a number of complaints since these works started from local residents, therefore recently the MRA met with Alex Whitelaw the Galliford Try site 10 manager , to discuss the complaints raised .

Below is the summary of the main complaints and solutions proposed to resolve these:

  •  Damage being done to paving and kerbs:

Alex Whitelaw explained that a dilapidation survey has been carried out prior to any of the works being commenced and photographic evidence has been taken of any known damage that has happened since work began. Any repairs to kerbs, verges etc that need to be done will be carried out by both Bellway and Galliford Try before all the works are signed off.


  • The amount of construction traffic entering the estate including deliveries before 8am:

Alex has ordered road signage to direct traffic to the Heartlands estate entrance. (These are now in place on the entry to the estate). If any lorries enter the estate by mistake there will be signs to direct them to turn around and go the correct way and delivery vehicles are not allowed on site until 8am.  If however residents do see vehicles entering the estate using the main entrance if possible, if we can get the time, date  & registration of the vehicle he will speak to the driver, if it then continues to happen the driver will be refused access to the site.


  • The amount of mud on the road from construction vehicles:

A road sweep is being sent round every evening to clear the mud on the road. It is anticipated that this should lessen once the car park is in place and the site is less muddy with the better weather expected.


  • Residents unable to park or unable to get in and out of the estate due to construction traffic:

It is anticipated that volume of extra vehicles will lessen once the main infrastructure road is completed and parking can be moved to within the building site, this should alleviate the number of vehicles which are being parked on Hidcote Way and surrounding areas.


Currently the published time scales for building works are as follows.

Galliford Try:
The first phase handover of houses is planned for July 2013 and anticipated completion of Site 10 is December 2013.

Bellway Homes:
147 homes are being built in total. Time scales that have been advised are as follows

  • End of July 2013: 34 occupations (all affordable)
  • End of July 2014: 46 (10 affordable and 36 private). Giving a total on site 80.
  • End of July 2015: 36 (36 private). Giving a total on site 116.
  • End of June 2016: 31 (36 private). Giving a total on site 147.

The MRA have established contact routes within the council overseeing both the developments and we have contact details of both of the site managers at each of the building sites, therefore if you are experiencing issues with the site work and you would like it resolved (we can’t work miracles but will try our best!) please let us know and we can raise the matter with the party concerned.

You can report issues via the comments section at the bottom of this page, by emailing us (info@middlemore.co) or via the Middlemore Facebook Page.

20 Replies to “Middlemore Continues to Grow”

    1. Good morning Glenn, Thank you for your comment. Site 6b and 6a are where the Taylor Wimpey houses are. The buidling works are taking place on Site 10 (next to Middlemore Farm) and to the left incorporating all of site 9 and the majority of site 8.

  1. can anything be done about the footpath closure near to wetherspoons warehouse. path was closed so sound attenuation mound could be built. although it is not completed yet the path could stay closed till the builders decide otherwise. the land belongs to D.D.C not the builders. a temporary path could be put in place.

    1. Thank you for your comments, I will make enquiries and get back to you with an answer asap

  2. **UPDATE**

    20/04/13 Bellway have advised that there has been a setback with the re-opening of the footpath adjacent the bund. A recent survey of the bund has highlighted that it has been constructed slightly too high and needs reworking.

    It is anticipated that the footpath will remain closed for a further 2 weeks.

    The acoustic fence to the bund is to be installed in phases and associated landscaping will be undertaken in the appropriate planting season.

    Bellway assure us that whilst the footpath remains closed, they will ensure that the necessary fencing and sign-age remains in place.

  3. Why is it that bellway still havnt reopened the footpath, I think it’s been closed since the middle of March for two weeks it was said its Now June!

    1. The Site manager has responded to say that they have a meeting with Daventry Council today. Unfortunately although we finished the shaping of the Bund weeks ago this is the earliest the council could meetus to inspect it. If this meeting goes OK we will then erect the Acoustic Fence on top of the Bund which they anticipate will take a further 2-3 weeks.( which takes us to end of June)

  4. re footpath, its beyond a joke now. why are they allowed to close off this path. this land is council land, why is the council not doing something, do we not pay rates? at the moment the builder is using the path to put scaffolding on and has moved the site fencing onto the path. maybe if they want to store stuff they could use our gardens. tried contacting our local councillor to no avail. he got a reply from the d.d.c business manager who said he had ” spoken robustly” to the builder. this man get 61k a year to speak robustly amd then have nothing done.

    1. Daventry District Council advised on the 3rd June that they ” are not happy with the quality of the work” and “are aware residents would like to see the path back in use as quickly as possible. However we must be sure that the work is done in accordance with the specification”

      I will email DDC to find out what is happening now

  5. Today is 5th of July and they have just started acoustic fence, maybe it mite be open at Christmas at this rate not wat year though

  6. When and how are the houses on Hidcote Way supposed to be marketed to people (assuming the plan is still to offer them at proper commercial rates?)

  7. I find it a complete joke that people are complaining about the footpath being closed!!! We live at the edge of Daventry where there are loads of different footpaths and a country park down the road. How about exploring a different footpath around the estate or even taking a walk to the country park!

  8. re-footpath, the path was closed in march this year for 2 weeks according to the letter posted by the builder(nothing since then from the builder).originally the path was the wildflower walk(even appearing on a council leaflet) planning permission was granted to build an acoustic mound with a fence on top to reduce noise from the nearby industrial estate. the 1st try was wrong because the mound was too high, the second try delayed because the council were unhappy with standard of work and requested engineer slum test reports. at present they are in middle of completing the fence on top. don’t expect this to be done too quickly because the builders need to use the footpath because the houses being built on that side are close to the edge of the site. as dan so rightly pointed out there are lots of paths around middlemore, you can walk across to ashby fields or even the country park. we can even jump in our cars and drive somewhere else. on the other hand we bought or rented on middlemore probably because of the location and the nice walks nearby. the builders will be making a lot of money from this project so why not put in alternative path or just reopen this one. sometimes people just have time to pop round the estate . we could complain about this and get path back in use or just do as dan suggests and wait till the site is completed probably late 2014. lets not complain just roll over and have our tummies tickled

  9. Whilst I understand that builders will be builders, I find it diffcult to understand why they are still working on the site 10 devleopment at 1/4 to 8 at night, there are young couples with children trying to get them to bed, and you have a constant noise keeping them awake, they start at 7.00 in the morning, I am sure I read in the planning application that they were limited to 8 – 5pm they are not sticking to this!!!!

    1. Thank you for making MRA aware of this problem, will contact the council to make them aware that this is an issue

  10. I’m afraid it’s a moan. There are construction lorries still accessing the estate from the A361 via Farnborough Drive & Hidcote way despite signs being displayed.

    1. Are you able to advise which companies the lorries belong to and which site they are visiting.

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