As you have probably all noticed, it seems that Daventry District Council have forgotten Middlemore exists and thus have failed to cut the grass, this in turn has allowed and probably even encouraged the weeds to grow which now appear to have taken over in most communal areas.
A complaint has been raised with the council who have provided an on-line complaint form to log all the complaints.
It would be really useful if as many people as possible are able to complain about this poor service, therefore if you are also able to complete the form it would be appreciated.
The form can be found here:
It’ll take about 2mins to do.
Hopefully this means that the grass will be cut soon!
I thought the we’re creating meadows 😉
Not quite sure what’s worse, the long grass or the utter mess they leave after hacking it down. Much like the care seen by the recycling collectors, Middlemore is full of bits of paper and plastic bottles come Friday. New estate?, not for long with this kind of treatment…
Thank you your comments have been forwarded to Daventry District Council – please folks if you have any issues please continue to keep posting on here so that we can tackle these issues