REMINDER – Residents Association Meeting THIS Tuesday 8th September 2015

Just a quick reminder that there is a meeting this Tuesday at 8pm.

Please do come along and get involved and have your say about what is happening in your local community. Its also an opportunity to stop for a quick drink and a chat and get to know other householders living in your community.

Updates on topics of discussion will be brought up at the meeting including any further communications received.

Issues that have been under discussion include….

  • Many residents use Heartlands Business Park as an exit to the estate – this is due to be: and always has been designated  a bus only exit once the estate was completed.  Residents at the last meeting raised concerns about this due to the fact we are already such a large estate with only one main exit road.
  • Street Lighting, State of roads and pathways, Groundkeeping, dog mess, rubbish and general untidiness
    Grit bins
  • Defibrillator funding – NCC Councillor Malcolm Longley has awarded us monies towards this from his councillors empowerment fund.
  • CPR Training scheme

Got any issues you want to voice ? Please do come along and raise it.

If you cannot make the meeting and have something you wish to contribute please email or call 0800 180 8999