Following on from last years successful Community Clean Up Days that took place in we are holding a CLEAN UP event on Saturday 26th March from 12 noon until 2pm.
We need your help …. Can YOU SPARE 2 hours of your time to help out, all help welcomed.
The shrubs are now all starting to bud and this is the ideal opportunity for us to get into them to historic rubbish before the foliage starts to re-appear.
Bin bags, Gloves, litter picking sticks will be provided, however if you have your own please feel free to bring these with you.
We will be meeting on the lower vale grass just by the Farnborough Drive crossing. (This is the section of grassland that leads from the Pub to the reservoir) See red circle in the image below:
We hope to be able to have enough volunteers to pick litter over the entire estate, however if you know of an area that is in need of a tidy up, please let us know so we can ensure that it is covered.
An Easter treat will be given to all participants !