1/ Bus layby and Heartlands exit – Proposals were put to DDC strategy committee beginning of May. Recommendation is to merge remaining budgets from 2015/16 & 2016/17 to complete works . N/B – Recommendations were approved by DDC on 18th May 2016
2/ Roads & pathways
Completion date being worked towards is still April 2017. Pathway works are currently taking place at the far end of Farnbough Drive and Claydon Road.
3/ Parking
Survey to be carried out to identify areas that could be adapted to create additional parking space. Findings to be presented to DDC for consideration. Survey has been carried out and DDC have been approached to ask them to consider the possibility of some areas being adapted for parking. – THUS FAR THERE HAS NOT BEEN A RESPONSE.
4/ Street lighting update
Street lighting in Hanbury Close has not been working for approx. 2 years. Farnborough Drive light outside no 22 also not working. DDC were contacted to escalate the matter again. A Hanbury Close resident got in touch this week to say the lighting there has been repaired.
5/ Cycle path – We await to hear further news regarding this. Malcolm Longley to be contacted.
6/ Middlemore mess – dog, pooh, rubbish, future clean ups
Clean up took place on Sunday 5th June concentrating on the Upper and Lower vale in preparation for the Queens 90th Birthday party.
Bellway have removed the dog waste bin following complaints from residents.
7/ Buses – Bus route 10 & 12 proposed changes
Information circulated regarding the proposed changes to the bus route. No interest or correspondence received from Middlemore residents. The proposed changes have been advertised on Middlemore facebook and twitter page.
8/ Public art
Consultation has taken place – (separate update to be posted).
9/ Defibrillator , CPR Training – future dates, demand
Defibrillator pads are £90 a pair for the specific pads to be used with Zoll plus AED and are one time use only. We need to ensure that we have sufficient supply of pads going forward as the pads are on time use only. Since installation the defibrillator has been used twice.
CPR Training dates to be organised in the near future, possible funding available has also been identified by KT who has attended funding fair.
10/ Summer event update – 12th June 2016. – This event was a HUGE success.
11/ Insurance – Costs of public liability insurance were discussed. Public liability insurance has been taken out by the group. The cost is £80 per year
12/ Neighbourhood Watch update given from the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator. Membership now stands just over 50 members. Neighbourhood Watch signage to be ordered soon for areas that have members.
13/ Correspondence – Email from resident proposing that dogs should only go in certain areas , about the amount of dog mess and outcomes of spraying and litter in general . Environmental aware of problem areas and this is being monitored.